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The sites listed here are all selected for being particularly rich sources of information. Some have a large number of articles and data resident on the site. Others have especially comprehensive and well selected lists of links to other sites.

Richard Saffran's ABA Resources site
A brilliant collection of links and information on ABA.

Autism Resources by John Wobus
This is an excellent and long established library of information about Autism and Asperger's.

Neurodiversity (Kathleen Seidel)
Well organised and incredibly extensive link collection. Not biased towards any particular therapeutic camp.

Polyxo by Jason Wallin.
Wonderfully clear and detailed explanation of the discrete trial method here.

Juliet Burk's Autism Teaching Tools
Vast collection of information about different therapeutic approaches and teaching resources.

Autism Link USA resource search facility.
Invaluable tool for anyone looking for local resources in the USA. Powerful, clear and extensive.

Growing Minds (Steven Wertz & Stephanie Barenblat)
Some brilliant short articles for parents here, Touching on both play-based and behavioural work with an emphasis on attitudinal aspects.

Christina Burk's website
Great site by therapist Christina Burk. Articles on teaching techniques plus a large list of links.

Jay Nolan Community services autism links
Very broad-ranging collection of resources linked from this long established support organisation.

Autism Society of America
Lots of information from America's largest support organisation.

Autism Today magazine
This online magazine hosts a vast compilation of information on autism treatments and issues. You need to register for full access, but it's free and there's a promise not to spam.

"Healing Thresholds"
"Connecting Community and science to heal autism"
Useful unbiassed reviews of current treatments and research with condensed lay summaries.