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MouseTrial Autism Software
Fun animated online exercises to help kids with autism

MouseTrial's autism links directory

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All illustrations, animations, software and text ©Dan Welchman Productions

MouseTrial's autism links directory is an extensive categorised collection of links to sites about autism and discrete trial work. If you find a link that doesn't work or is inaccurately described or categorised then please let us know. Similarly, if you know about a great site that we ought to include then please email and we'll update the list as soon as we can.

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Copying and distribution of this information is FREE, permissible and encouraged. You are very welcome to link to this page from any autism-related website.
Autism super-sites: Portals, link directories and rich information sources.
Our worldwide database of useful software for kids with autism and their treatment programmes
Regional support organisations.
Organisations in the USA.
Organisations in the UK.
Organisations in Canada.
Organisations in Australia and New Zealand.
Organisations in Ireland.
Selected sites by parents.
Autism related BLOGS.
Suppliers of autism related equipment, products and software.
Resources about specific autism treatments and therapies.
Sites by professional autism therapists and experts.
Sites specifically about Asperger's Syndrome.
Sites by people with autism or Asperger's.
Miscellaneous non-regional autism resources.
Autism research sites and organisations.