The following are links to sites about specific autism treatments. For further information, there are a couple of excellent pages
on the DMOZ open directory project: one on
Autism Spectrum / Teaching Methods and the other under
Autism Spectrum / Therapies and Treatments. Also strongly recommended is James R Laidler's
Autism Watch website which gives a scientific perspective on the various
treatments in use.
- ABA "Applied Behavioural Analysis"
- AVB "Analysis of Verbal Behaviour"
- DTT "Discrete Trial Training"
- PRT "Pivotal Response Training"
- NET (Natural Environment Training)
- "Son-Rise" progam. (Barry Neil Kaufman and Samahria Lyte Kaufman).
- TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic & related Communication handicapped CHildren)
- PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
- Social Stories
- Floortime & DIR (Developmental, Individual differences, Relationship-based)
- AIT (Auditory Integration Training)
- Dietary Intervention
- Irlen method (coloured glasses)
- RDI (Relationship Development Intervention)
- Music Therapy