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national organisations
Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia
Autism Australia Forum
forum for all interested in Autism in Australia to share information and ideas and support one another
Autism Council of Australia
the national peak body representing people who have an autism spectrum disorder, their families, carers and helpers
Parents and Carers of Autism
a community where we can support each other, as well as being a source of information.
OzAutism Support and Information Mailing List
open to any Australian or New Zealander who has an interest in autism
Autism New Zealand Inc
provides support, training, advocacy, resources and information on autism spectrum disorders
regional organisations
Autism Behaviour Intervention NSW
representing families undertaking ABA programs for their children with autism.
Autism Behavioural Intervention Queensland
Early intervention improves the lives of children with autism
Action for Autism Inc (Canberra & ACT)
rum Australia (formerly Autism Association of NSW)
ASSN (Qld) Inc
Asperger's Syndrome Support Network (Queensland) Inc
Autism ACT, Canberra
to achieve the best educational outcomes for our children while seeking to better understand the causes of their autism
Autism Association of Western Australia (Inc)
To advance the personal development, equality of opportunity and community participation of people with autism
Autism Queensland
One of the largest community service providers to those with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Australia.
Autism SA
South Australia
Leading the way through knowledge, understanding and acceptance
Autism Tasmania
Supporting people whose lives are affected by autism
Autism Victoria
the first place to call for information and advice for anyone interested in finding out more about Autism Spectrum Disorders
Learning To Learn (Sydney)
a parent and therapist run organisation supporting Applied Behaviour Analysis for Autism treatment